Functional Fitness for Protection w/ Tim Habla

As a former Drill Sargent, Tim Habla sees functional fitness in a new light. Sending years dissecting these movement patterns allowed Tim to teach others how to defend themselves while getting in the best shape of their lives.

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Functional Fitness for Protection w/Tim Habla S2 E5 _ N2Athletex Website: Social Channels: The N2AthleteX Podcast is produced by

As a former Drill Sargent, Tim Habla sees functional fitness in a new light. Sending years dissecting these movement patterns allowed Tim to teach others how to defend themselves while getting in the best shape of their lives.

“From learning how to break the body, I’ve learned how to fix the body.”

Throughout his journey, Tim has discovered that the body absorbs damage in the hips... and in return provide power from the hips as well. From there, Counter Respons Fitness was born. Tim continually spends his time ​in the lab​, working with clients to combine functional fitness with martial arts, modifying movements as his clients need to activate and not irritate the right muscle groups and movement patterns.

The Clients of Counter Response

The world can be a scary place, and whether or not we stay up to date on the news, we always feel as if we must look over our backs. Over the past 4 years, Tim has had the privilege of helping over 80 individuals rebuild themselves from all walks of life:

  • Those Dealing with Past Trauma

  • Those Who Have Never Fought... and Never Want To

  • Those Who Live In Fear of What ​Could​ Happen

No matter what his clients are going through, Tim provides an opportunity to build awareness and the knowledge to properly defend oneself. By continually triggering new neurological pathways (​often confused with muscle memory​), Tim’s clients learn to fight weaknesses by mastering the right forms in his teachings.

Programming For The Alpha

As Tim comes from a long line of Baptism by Fire, it’s easy to assume he throws his clients into the ring with a sink or swim mentality. However, when in a controlled environment, jumping right into his program is the best way to learn.

After asking for previous injuries or immediate knowledge needed, Tim starts his clients out by saying: ​“You are ultimately responsible for you... everything we do is modifiable... so keep up.”

Tim doesn’t overcomplicate his programs, screening his clients’ movements through every session. He starts by programming for himself -- the Alpha Program -- and modifies from there

based on specific needs -- the Bravo Program. All of Tim’s trainers understand the primary objective of each session and are prepared with 2-3 different modifications for each movement.

Using Tim’s plug-n-play program, each day flows throughout the week... just as each bar in a symphony leads to the next. Monday prepares the body for Tuesday, while Tuesday deloads from Monday ​and​ prepares for Wednesday... and so on. But how? What’s the secret?

Built-In Deloads

While there is no secret “hack” or a “single best” program for everyone, Tim’s unique program does​ include built-in deloads (in the form of bag work) to help the body recover faster than traditional methods.

“You can only do what you can recover from.”

Each weights session, we are building pressure in our joints and so on... and the faster we can get rid of that pressure, the better the body is able to deload and prepare for the next session. Tim found that through proper bag work, his clients are able to deactivate the pressure built up through the weight sessions. And as always, he finds the modifications needed for each individual.

Modifying Through Life

Throughout our lives, we will experience different injuries, limitations, or obstacles. But there is always something we can do. By starting now, and staying consistent, we can help our bodies grow past these limitations to stay fit and healthy. Tim provides these exercises to emphasize during certain times in our life to do just that:

  • In Our 20’s: ​focus on continually building

    • Olympic Lifts like Cleans and Snatches

    • Powerlifts like Squats and Deadlifts

    • Become Functionally Strong

  • In Our 30’s: ​deactivate from the stress -- men, specifically, keep stress in their hips ○ Cleans

    • Lunges

    • Running

  • In Our 40’s: ​we no longer have to spend as much time with weights as we used to

    • Dexterity/Mobility

    • Running

Now, these are just points of emphasis to help aid our fitness journey throughout our lives... some people can do more while others may need to do less... and that’s where having the mind of Tim Habla comes in.

Counter Response has recently moved into a 10,000 sq. ft. space at 941 Industry Ave., Suite A, Roanoke, VA! The grand opening to the public will be May 16th, so mark your calendars if you want to see how functional fitness meets Martial Arts.

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