How Adrian and Nicks' Routine Has Changed Over The Years

How Adrian and Nicks' Routine Has Changed Over The Years How Adrian and Nicks' Routine Has Changed Over The Years _ N2Athletex Website: Social Channels: The N2AthleteX Podcast is produced by 2020 © Anchor FM Inc. All rights reserved.

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Strongman, Training Science Adrian Rangel Strongman, Training Science Adrian Rangel

The Art and Science of Training w/ Tyler Perdue

Spencer & Adrian sit down with Strongman Competitor, Tyler Perdue. Together, they discuss the importance of finding clients the "why" ... as well as incorporating Strongman Lifts into athletes' programs.

The Art and Science of Training w/ Tyler Perdue

The Art and Science of Training w/ Tyler Perdue | Ep 012 _ N2Athletex Website: Social Channels: The N2AthleteX Podcast is produced by


Spencer & Adrian sit down with Strongman Competitor, Tyler Perdue. Together, they discuss the importance of finding clients the "why" ... as well as incorporating Strongman Lifts into athletes' programs.

Tyler’s Background

From Football games to Muay Thai... to Strongman Competitions, Tyler Perdue spent his life exploring every avenue the sports world has to offer. And as his influence in this world grew, Tyler became an early mentor to Adrian -- allowing Adrian to work out of Tri-Star Roanoke -- making Tyler the obvious choice for Episode 12 of the N2AthleteX Podcast. While known for its powerlifting and strongman backgrounds, Tyler's inspiration for opening Tri-Star Roanoke lied in the general population. Tyler wanted to create a space for everybody... and he accomplished just that. By melding the worlds of general fitness and competitive lifting, Tyler created an atmosphere of inspiration and dedication. 

Eventually, this ability to connect with clients and members brought him to Baltimore. As the fitness director of Merritt Club, Tyler oversees all personal, private, and group training sessions. And, he's done this by following one simple rule:

“Do things the right way and treat people the right way.”

Tyler gets to know his members on a personal level to ensure their success and commitment to the gym. 

Not Just A Member

To Tyler, and many other successful coaches, the general population of people want to get healthy, more active, and increase their quality of life... as well, many of them already know how. Where they fail is in their consistency -- or, as it's more well known, motivation. What is it about Tyler's members that keep them motivated and coming back in to workout?

He gets to know them... and their "whys."

High school, collegiate, and professional athletes all have the same (if not, similar) goals in the weight room -- to get better at their sport. But the general population of people isn’t concerned about decreasing their 40-yd. time... or throwing a ball faster, farther, or better. They have a plethora of motivations behind joining a gym.

And, as coaches, it's our job to not only uncover their "why" but understand they have a lot of other things going on in their life. These events are things they either want or have to do. BUT, if they can't properly take care of themselves (through fitness), it becomes very difficult to accomplish those things.

Over the years, Tyler has discovered a process to help his members take a deeper look at themselves... all while enjoying their time at the gym. He treats them as people, not just paychecks in the mail.

There’s An Art And Science To It All

In this episode, Tyler discusses is 5 phases to understanding his members' "why." And, as he puts it, this is where the art of coaching comes into play. 

When coaches ask their clients why they've come to workout, many don't have an answer. This is an opportunity coaches can use! Together, the coach and client can push through the unknown and discover WHAT exactly will help them reach their goals and stay consistent. 

To start, many individuals want to feel a certain way. Whether it's feeling confident enough to go shirtless at the pool or being able to walk without cringing pain... there are certain feelings we can associate with getting into better shape.

A Deeper Why

From those feelings, other actions spout. What does the feeling of more confidence bring them? What can they do if they're no longer in pain while walking? This is the second phase of understanding your members' why.

Now, it's time to envision that. What do those actions look like? Possibly the confidence to not only take their shirt off at the beach but to take more trips with the family out there... or finally going on those long walks with their significant other... or even dancing with at their daughter's wedding.

As well, coaches can expand those whys beyond the member -- How do you want people to see you or remember you? This simple question sparks the deepest why to their commitment. More times than not, they don’t want to be someone who quits on their dream, but someone who looks to their family and says, “I’m doing this for them… and I’m not going to let them down.” 

Creating this space of self-reflection goes far beyond the initial meeting as well. Tyler mentions a few strategies he uses to continue coaching his clients… even when he’s not around them.

Accountability Anchors

Whatever his clients deem their deeper why -- whatever it is they get out fitness -- is written down on a colorful card. This card is read every morning or night... as it sits right beside the bed. So every day, Tyler's clients are reflecting on their "why."

But, it's not just once a day this is happening. Tyler also shares that he uses the same colored tape stuck around daily objects to trigger a reminder of that card. In the car... on those cubicle pictures... a bathroom mirror... wherever his clients need the reminder the most. 

Tyler terms these tips, "Anchors" as they help to anchor his clients' thoughts to their "why." Because as much as we know how great that hour in the gym is, it's what we're doing with the other 23 hours that matters the most.

Finding The Right Time To Talk “Whys”

Not every member will be comfortable discussing this with a coach right off the bat. It takes time and, more importantly, it takes trust. Coaches must understand when to ask these questions on a case-by-case basis... and to assess when to bring them further down the phases.

As well, it's also important for a coach to know when to let go of a client. It's a sad truth that one coach can't help everybody. But it's that realization to determine who are the energy vampires taking away from the members who need you. 

Sometimes, an energy vampire only appears for a day -- after all, general population individuals have plenty going on in their lives. They could have had a terrible day at work... their dog may have passed... or they simply didn't take care of themselves the night before. For these vampires, coaches can pull them over and discuss how to improve the session.

Other times, it takes a firmer touch. Those who aren't willing/don't know to put in the work the additional 23 hours of a day won't see results... and they may blame the coach. These should be handled case-by-case but may result in the termination of that relationship. After all, it's toxic for every party involved.

The Science Of Strongman

Now, once members' goals and whys are established and committed to, the coaches can really have some fun with the program. This is where coaches begin to push their clients to just below their threshold to produce results.

For youth athletes (as well as some general population), this could mean incorporating Strongman lifts! These lifts are odd. The tools are awkward to maneuver. But the benefits... are totally worth it. Tyler suggests incorporating the following lifts into athletes' programming:

The Log Clean & Press

The log is big, bulky, and seems as if it's putting athletes into a terrible position. But, athletes are rarely in the correct postural position during their sports. And the Log Clean & Press helps to incorporate those different positions in a controlled setting. 

Athletes receive the same triple extension as with a traditional Barbell Clean... without the long progression period or the same injury risk during the catch. As well, the shoulder stability needed for the pressing portion is greatly increased by the neutral grip of the log... as opposed to the barbell.

Farmer's Carries

Heavy Farmer's Carries are one of the 5 basic movements -- squat, hinge, push, pull… and the loaded carry.

These carries require the athlete to exert force on one foot at a time while activating their core throughout the entire movement. Under the load, athletes' shoulders and grip strength transform dramatically... not to mention the pure grit created in their minds.

Sandbag Lifts & Carries

The most easily accessible lift of the three, Sandbag lifts require athletes to move and awkward weight in a variety of directions. Sandbags can be picked up, carried, thrown, pressed, walked with, and more! Depending on the weight used, athletes can use this Strongman exercise to build their posterior chain, engage their core, or even condition. 

While not all Strongman lifts are meant for athletes, incorporating a few on a regular basis can help athletes get stronger as well as gain composure under uncomfortable positions/circumstances. Now, these pieces of equipment may also be hard to come by. But if Tyler could choose just one to incorporate into an athlete's program... it would be SANDBAGS!

Stay In Touch

While Tyler would rather avoid spending his days on social media, he is always available to chat! Whether you're looking for a consultant to help your small gym or have a question about the podcast, feel free to reach out to him on Instagram @z_tyler_perdue or Facebook @Tyler Perdue.

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